Mansfield Fox

Law student. Yankees fan. Massive fraggle. Just living the American dream.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


I went out last night, in the pouring rain and flood, hoping to catch the Yanks-Sox game at TKs. When I arrived, they still hadn't cancelled the game, so I had to listen to the little TV in my booth (have I mentioned that TKs has little TVs in every booth? it's the original ESPN zone!!) for each announcement, while a sextet of noisy grad students with no interest in sports (not totally true: one seemed interested in the TCU-UAB game) gabbed on right next to me. So anyway, the game got postponed, and watched an ESPN2 special on shark-fishing and ate a Spicy Sloppy TK, which is basically a sloppy joe whose meat has been cooked in teriyaki, honey barbecue sauce and "suicide" buffalo sauce. muy spicy, muy delicious.

After that I went to GPSCY, where they were doing karaoke in honor of a guy's birthday. It was a small affair, populated mostly with timid law students, which meant that those who like doing karaoke (a.k.a., me and my friends) were able to totally dominate the mike. During the course of the night, I did:

1. "In the Ghetto", Elvis voice
2. "Build Me Up Buttercup", backup vocals
3. "What'd I Say", duet, just because it was the next song on the CD and no-one else was ready (I'd never heard the entire song before then. I know, I'm a savage).
4. "I Got You Babe", duet, in which I accidentally kissed my partner (a man, natch) as we attempted to fake-kiss for the audience. or at least that's what he claims. I don't remember our lips touching. I think maybe he just wants me. And who wouldn't?
5. "Come Sail Away", Cartman voice. This usually brings the house down, but last night I got cut off during the 58-measure musical break. No accounting for taste.
6. "I've Had the Time of My Life", duet, with me as the female part

Not a bad lineup, me thinks.

ANYWAY, the point is: all that trudging around in the 2-inch deep flood that was New Haven, and now my feets is a little bit itchy. Does that mean I have trench-foot?