WHY THE WASHINGTON POST IS BETTER THAN THE NEW YORK TIMES, PART MCMXVII: Taking a quick break from my current exam-related project (creating a short-form outline for my Criminal Procedure class), I was surfing through the archives at Eve Tushnet's blog. (Here in the Fox's croft, we know how to have a good time.) Now, in May of 2002 (that's almost two years ago, for those keeping score) Ms. Tushnet linked to a Washington Post article on Virginia issuing license plates commemorating September 11th. As you can see, the link is still good two years later. The article is still available, for free, on the Post's website, and it's still accessible via the same URL that got you there the day it was put up. Compare this to the Times, which sends its articles to the pay-to-view archive seven days after publication. (Like this David Brooks op-ed, linked to by Matthew Yglesias.) At least the old links still direct you generally to the article you wanted (thank Heaven for small favors). I know this is old news, known to all, but sometimes its useful to be confronted again with the things you already know.

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